Psychology, Education and Philosophy: an epistemic correlation


  • Pablo Emilio Cruz Picón University Manuela Beltrán



Education and development, interdisciplinary approach, philosophy, social pedagogy, Psychology


The theoretical and epistemological relationship between psychology, philosophy and education is interdisciplinary and heterogeneous. Although each discipline has its elemental projective framework, they intersect and influence the knowledge process. For this reason, the objective of the essay is to reflect that cognitive evaluation among the branches of knowledge framed in the psychological, philosophical and socio-pedagogical field is significant to glimpse the socio-human condition in the pedagogical process of teaching/learning. The methodology is qualitative, with an exploratory and analytical-critical nature, based on a theoretical review of epistemic aspects of learning from the scientific study of behavior, psychic processes, knowledge, the surrounding reality and socio-educational evolution in society. Among the theoretical findings is a feasible cognitive correspondence between psychology, philosophy and education to conceive the complexity of human learning. Thus, by recognizing the theoretical and systematic connection of these knowledge disciplines, constructivist educational practices can be outlined that lead to a theoretical understanding of the nature and limits of human knowledge. It is concluded that education requires redefining the pedagogical process to direct it to a terrain that encourages criticism, reflection and emancipation. These three elements (criticality, reflexivity and autonomy) are possible from the relational, theoretical and pragmatic symbiosis of psychology, philosophy and education.


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How to Cite

Cruz Picón, P. E. (2025). Psychology, Education and Philosophy: an epistemic correlation. Education Journal, 23(25), 41–52.





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