Influence of occupational stress on psychological well-being of teachers in Ayacucho


  • Frank Isaac Berrocal Aréstegui Catholic University of Trujillo "Benedict XVI"



psychological well-being, job stress, teachers


The research conducted sought to determine the way in which work stress influences the psychological well-being of teachers, using a methodology anchored in the positivist paradigm, quantitative approach, basic type, explanatory level and non-experimental, transectional, correlational-causal and field design. The study sample consisted of 81 teachers out of a total of 136 from three educational institutions and a classroom of students in a doctoral program, who were selected by non-probabilistic convenience sampling. Psychometrics was used as a data collection technique and psychological tests were used to measure the variables, namely Ivancevich and Matteson's (1989) Work Stress Scale and Casullo's (2002) Psychological Well-Being Scale, adapted and validated respectively in the Peruvian context. The findings revealed that job stress significantly and negatively influences teachers' psychological well-being, being responsible for 39.9% of its variability, which confirmed the research hypothesis. In addition, a prevalence of high and medium levels of work stress was identified in 44.4% of those evaluated, and a low level of psychological well-being in 79.0% of them.



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Author Biography

Frank Isaac Berrocal Aréstegui, Catholic University of Trujillo "Benedict XVI"

Degree in Theology from the Nicaraguan Evangelical University "Martin Luther King Jr. (UENIC-MLK). Bachelor in Psychology from the Catholic University of Trujillo "Benedicto XVI" (UCT). Graduate of the Master's Degree in University Teaching from the National University of San Cristobal de Huamanga (UNSCH) in Ayacucho. Student of the Doctorate in Education at the National University of San Cristobal de Huamanga (UNSCH) in Ayacucho. Student of the Second Specialization in Neurosciences and Education at the National University "Hermilio Valdizán" (UNHEVAL) in Huánuco.




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How to Cite

Berrocal Aréstegui, F. I. (2023). Influence of occupational stress on psychological well-being of teachers in Ayacucho. Education Journal, 21(22), 12–22.