Methodological relevance in educational research


  • Rolando Alfredo Quispe Morales Universidad Nacional de San Cristóbal de Huamanga



Educational research in our country has been gaining momentum in recent years as a result of the enactment of Law 30220; however, it faces great challenges in its development due to the lack of various factors: economic, professional, infrastructure, among others, which in many cases generate the conduct of research in an empirical manner. This situation is reflected in the different research works published in the different repositories of the universities, in which researches with serious methodological limitations are observed, being one of them the lack of methodological pertinence in the researches, because they do not present methodological congruence, expressed in the logical relation between the type, level, method, design and the techniques and instruments of research required by the objectives and hypothesis established in the elaborated project and concordant with the epistemological paradigm.


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McMillan, J.H. y Schumacher, S. (2007). Investigación educativa. Editorial Pearson.

Piñeiro, M.L., Rivera, M.L. y Esteban, E.R. (2019). Proceder del investigador cualitativo. FABRIRAY E.I.R.L.

Nocedo de León, I. (2001). Metodología de la investigación educacional. Editorial Pueblo y Educación.



How to Cite

Quispe Morales, R. A. (2022). Methodological relevance in educational research. Education Journal, 20(20), 9–10.