Playful strategies and literary creation


  • Leoncio Daniel Quispe Torres Universidad Nacional de San Cristóbal de Huamanga
  • Patricia Huayllasco Marquina Universidad Nacional de San Cristóbal de Huamanga



strategies, playful, creation, literature, writing


The research entitled "Playful strategies and literary creation" is an approach to solving problems such as how does the application of playful strategies influence the creation of literary texts in university students of the UNSCH of Ayacucho, 2015? The objective is to determine the nature of the influence of the application of playful strategies in the creation of literary texts. The type of research is basic and qualitative. Well, it is about proposing a teaching model. The level corresponds to the descriptive-explanatory. The method that is applied is the inductive-deductive mixture. The main result and conclusion reached is: The application of playful strategies for the creation of literary texts directly, naturally, spontaneously and systematically influences the scriptural conception of literary texts.


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How to Cite

Quispe Torres, L. D., & Huayllasco Marquina, P. (2020). Playful strategies and literary creation. Education Journal, 18(18), 130–144.