Chess game in unconventional spaces and development of mathematical skills in university students


  • Pedro Huauya Quispe Universidad Nacional de San Cristóbal de Huamanga



The purpose of this research was to analyze the influences of the game of chess in unconventional spaces on the development of mathematical abilities of the students of the 100 series of the Professional School of Economics of the National University of San Cristóbal de Huamanga. Experimental explanatory research level of quasi-experimental design; The sample consisted of 28 students each from the control and experimental group, the data were collected through observation techniques, written test and the interview; The Student's t test was applied for independent samples with a confidence level of 95%. Concluding that the game of chess in unconventional spaces significantly influences the development of mathematical skills in university students; The game of chess significantly improved the action of memory, concentration, comprehension, logical thinking, imagination, creativity, agility in mathematical operations, autonomy and personal motivation.


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How to Cite

Huauya Quispe, P. (2020). Chess game in unconventional spaces and development of mathematical skills in university students. Education Journal, 18(18), 11–29.