Effectiveness of learning strategies in students


  • Nicolás Paucar Misaico




Learning strategies, meaningful learning, effectiveness of strategies, educational research


In the current context, education faces the challenge of evaluating the effectiveness of learning strategies in an environment characterized by rapid technological advances. This evaluation is not limited to comparing traditional with innovative methods, but also requires an analysis of how these strategies adapt to emerging needs in a constantly evolving academic field. In this sense, it is essential that educators and researchers analyze the impact of educational practices on the development of critical skills such as critical thinking and collaboration. Meaningful learning strategies, which allow students to build knowledge from previous experiences, are essential to achieve lasting and contextualized learning. Furthermore, the adaptability of these strategies, together with a serious commitment to educational research, guarantees that teaching methods respond to the individual characteristics of students, promoting more comprehensive and effective learning, crucial to meeting the challenges of the 21st century


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How to Cite

Paucar Misaico, N. (2024). Effectiveness of learning strategies in students. Education Journal, 22(24), 8–11. https://doi.org/10.51440/unsch.revistaeducacion.2024.24.522