Verbal games as a strategy to improve oral expression in the English language in students of the first year of secondary education


  • Yaneth Rodríguez Yupanqui San Cristóbal school



verbal games, oral expression


The article presented was developed with the objective of determining the effect produced by the application of verbal games as a strategy in the development of oral expression in the English language in students of the first year of secondary education at the San Cristóbal de Socos Educational Institution. –Ayacucho, 2020. For this reason, it was carried out as a quantitative, explanatory and quasi-experimental design investigation. The sample is non-probabilistic and consisted of 41 students distributed in two groups: experimental and control. For data collection, the observation sheet was used. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis by applying the Wilcoxon test, with a significance level of 0.05. The results obtained in the present investigation allow us to conclude that the application of verbal games has a significant effect on the increase of the learning of the English language in students of the first grade of secondary education (Zc = 5.163; Zt = 1.64; p <0.001 ).


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Yupanqui, Y. (2021). Verbal games as a strategy to improve oral expression in the English language in students of the first year of secondary education. Education Journal, 19(19), 165–181.