The image of Spain in the works of Sanmao




Sanmao, image of Spain, travel literature, Chinese contemporary literature, Taiwan


In the Chinese cultural sphere, the literary works of the Taiwanese writer Sanmao have been one of the most important references in the construction of the image of Spain. The objective of this work is to analyze, through Sanmao's own texts, the diversity of images that vividly portray Spain from the 60s to the 80s of the last century, including Western Sahara. The reasons that contribute to generate these images will also be investigated from three main dimensions: personal factors of the author, factors of cultural differences and the general context of the mainstream culture.


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Author Biographies

Cheng Li, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Cheng Li es profesor honorario de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) y miembro del grupo de investigación Comunicación Poética y Retórica.

Tingting Ma, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Tingting Ma es doctora en Estudios Artísticos, Literarios y de la Cultura por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM).


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How to Cite

Li, C., & Ma, T. (2023). The image of Spain in the works of Sanmao. Dialogía, 17, 119–157.


