Translation and Semantic Issues: (English-Spanish) Translation Proposal of Legal Statements and Sentences
Sentences, Statements, Semantics, Legal Discourse, TranslationAbstract
Legal discourse, which comes from each country’s culture and tradition, is featured by an unquestionable complexity. The information provided for in this article will show the most substantive semantic and translation issues (of statements and sentences) of legal discourse (English-Spanish), based on a corpus of legal textual genres. The main aim and scope of this paper is to perform a translation proposal of both legal statements and sentences. In order to achieve this, the methodology consisted of manually extracting a document corpus of 9 legal genres, of which two elements were selected (a variety of statements and sentences singled out due to their translation difficulty) per textual genre. They were subsequently researched, constituting a grammar corpus of 18 elements. With a view to perform their lexicographic research, we looked them up in significant legal dictionaries, and parallel documents, also affording their textual context. Among the main results achieved, the items’ translation proposal, the identification of relevant translation difficulties, and the remarks on their translation, could be noted. The conclusions drawn showed us how Spanish textual genres were more unified and uniform, whereas both British and North American ones showed more disparities and textual licences.
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